
Friendly Reminder – Common Violations

With summer in full swing we wanted to remind Millstone Village residents of some common violations we are seeing.

  • Trailers are not permitted in Millstone Village ungaraged in excess of 48 hours or 8 days in a calendar year. If a trailer is found to be in the neighborhood in excess of the time permitted a letter will be sent asking it be removed immediately.
  • Above ground pools more then 20 inches in height are not permitted. In ground pools are allowed within Millstone Village after an Architectural Request form is submitted with plans for review and approval is given.

The form can be found here:

If an above ground pool above 20″ in height is found in the neighborhood a letter will be sent asking it removed immediately.

  • Metal roofing or metal siding is not permitted in Millstone Village. This includes metal gazebos and/pergolas.  If a metal structure is found to be in the neighborhood a letter will be sent asking it to be roofed/shingled to match the house or to be removed immediately.
  • No sheds are permitted in Millstone Village.

The restrictive covenants of the Association of Millstone Village include the following requirement:

“No boat, boat trailer, recreational vehicle, motor home, truck, camper or any other wheeled vehicle shall be permitted to be parked ungaraged on a Lot for periods in excess of 48 hours,
or for a period of which is in the aggregate is in excess of 8 days per calendar year. The term “truck’ as used in this section 6.9 means every motor vehicle designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property, which is rated one-ton or more.”

“No building, fence, wall, in-ground swimming pool, attached heating panels, or other structure, or basketball goal (whether freestanding or mounted on a residence or garage), freestanding birdfeeder, …shall be commenced, erected, or maintained upon a Lot, nor shall any exterior addition, change or alteration be made to such a structure on a Lot until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, color, and location of the structure are submitted to and approved by the Architectural Control Committee in writing.”

“Swimming pools: No above ground pool higher than twenty (20) inches is permitted. Only an in-ground pool is permitted and must be fully enclosed by a fence of approved construction (no open construction). The fence must have a six foot height. Cabanas are permitted inside the fence when used to house pump equipment of the in-ground pool only. The design, materials, dimensions and the location of the cabana must be submitted in writing and approved prior to construction by the Architectural Control Committee. ”

“Structures: No unattached structure (tool shed, shack, barn, trailer, mobile home, boat, boat trailer, camper, camper trailer, basement, tent, tree house, dog house, dog run, doll house, burn barrel, or other out-building or recreational-vehicle) shall be located or used on any lot at any time nor used as a residence either temporarily or permanently.”

Neighborhood Improvement Grant for fruit trees

Millstone Village was selected as 1 of 38 neighborhood who will be a awarded a Neighborhood Improvement Grant.

Millstone Village will receive reimbursement for planting 10 mature 15 gallon size fruit trees with a mulch bed and fertilizer applied.🌳

We are looking for residents input on where the ten fruit trees should be planted, if you have any recommendation please email your board members at

Also, congratulations to our neighbors at Hearthstone who also received a grant to replace benches.



As many know, the Wallen Road Entrance sign was hit over the summer, it has since been fixed. 

At many 2019 meetings it was brought to the boards attention that this entrance lacked color, was dull, and that bushed were dead.

We spoke with various landscaping companies to receive quotes for revamping the area and it was determined the bushes were in fact dead and nothing could be done to save them. 

The entrance is now under construction, bushes and old mulch are being removed and soon after new colorful plants will be planted.

Christmas Light’s Removal & Storage Containers


The deadline for removal of Christmas lights and decoration has past per the covenants for Millstone Village. While we understand we have had cold weather, we ask that anyone who still has them visible please remove them as soon as they can please.


Also a friendly reminder per the Fort Wayne City code – trash can and recycling cans are to be stored 10ft from the front of the house, it does not set a good precedent to have trash can and recycling cans visible.

We all wish to maintain and increase our home value so please lets keep Millstone Village looking great!

Thank you,

Millstone Village Board

Tree removal / New tree’s

As many of you may of noticed we had 7 trees removed and then another 3 more removed even more recently. These trees were diseased and needed removed due to it could spread to other healthy trees in the area.

We plan to plant new, more hardy and sustainable trees in the spring of 2018. In case anyone also has some dead or diseased trees and are looking for a free quote you may find information below in regards to who we used for this service.


Mason Brandenberger of Brandenberger Tree Care Professionals LLC

Phone number ~ 260-438-2827

Website ~